Digital Banking in Ivory Coast

The digital financial services market in Côte d'Ivoire has seen remarkable growth in recent years. In 2010, only 3% of Ivorians had access to the Internet. This has risen to over 70% by 2021...






Ivory Coast

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Digital financial services: a fast-growing sector

Côte d'Ivoire has seen remarkable growth in its digital financial services market in recent years. In 2010, only 3% of Ivorians had access to the Internet, and this rate has risen to over 70% by 2021.
The latest results from the sector point to good prospects for players who have surfed the digitalization wave, but also to threats for those who have not jumped on the digitalization bandwagon. As digital technology has revolutionized financial services, banks have found themselves at a crossroads, choosing between integrating or disappearing.

This study is the fruit of meticulous documentary research and a field survey that mobilized more than 1,000 households in the city of Abidjan and mystery shopping at major financial services institutions.


  • Macroeconomic review
  • Regulatory framework
  • Electronic money institutions market
  • Fintech market
  • International transfer market
  • Deep dive in digital banking
  • Customer insights on digital banking
  • Challenges and prospects for digital banking

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