A presentation of the dynamics of the banking market in the UEMOA zone over the last five years and the performance of the zone's main markets, against the backdrop of an analysis of the structure of the 10 largest banking groups.




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Banking market in the UEMOA zone

Despite the Covid19 and Russo-Ukrainian crises, the banking sector in the UEMOA zone has maintained a certain level of dynamism and is constantly evolving. The zone's banking markets offer enormous potential, thanks to the existence of a large customer base to be banked and strong growth in key indicators: overall NBI of 2,748 billion FCFA in 2021, with a 15-21 CAGR of 10.4%, and net income that has seen very strong average annual growth of 26%, rising from 190 billion FCFA in 2015 to 756 billion FCFA in 2021.
The development of pan-African players (Ecobank, Coris Bank...) and the withdrawal of international banking groups (BNP Paribas...) from the zone mark a turning point in an increasingly competitive banking sector, with the emergence of mobile money and fintechs...
Falling intermediation margins and regulatory pressure for Basel II & III compliance are just some of the issues that have undeniably had an impact on the structure of the WAEMU zone banking market.
The Banque rapport UEMOA report presents the dynamics and prospects of the zone's banking markets, through an analysis of their performance, a benchmark of offers and services, and a review of the main underlying trends in the regional banking sector.


  • Macro aggregates of the banking sector
  • Sales strategy and dynamics
  • Overview of banking offers and services
  • Key players' performance
  • UEMOA banking market trends
  • Digital trends

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