Key trends and insights in the Ivorian telecom sector

This report brings you up to date on the major trends in the Côte d'Ivoire sector, the challenges and performance data involved, and the structure of the offering.




Optical fiber

Mobile money



Ivory Coast

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Côte d'Ivoire has the technology and infrastructure to support digital development, with near-total network coverage and world-class connectivity technologies.
The telecoms sector continues to make progress in reducing the digital divide. However, major structural changes have been observed over the last ten years, accompanied by stagnating or even declining revenues in the sector.

This report presents a panoramic view of the telecoms sector in Côte d'Ivoire, and reveals the structuring projects in terms of connectivity, the evolution of the dynamics of each market segment through the structure of the offer and the evolution of the number of subscribers, sales, market shares, prices charged, and much more...


  • Analysis of the sector's economic fundamentals
  • Assessment of Côte d'Ivoire's level of digital maturity
  • Analysis of highlights
  • Analysis of competitive dynamics
  • Analysis of the regulatory framework
  • Analysis of habits and changing needs
  • Sector outlook

+100 pages

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